Social bookmarking websites are sites on which Internet users share their web pages, articles, blog posts, images, and videos. There are a number of advantages to submitting your content to one (or more) of these sites. For one thing, they help to increase your brand awareness . The more people who have access to your great content, the more likely that your content will go viral. These sites also help to get your blog posts indexed more quickly and increase your website traffic. Any SEO company will be familiar with this strategy and use it as part of its marketing strategy. Popular social bookmarking websites 1. Twitter Let’s start with the big one (and one people might not associate with social bookmarking too much). Twitter is an excellent tool for this and you can achieve it in a couple of ways. First, simply posting links, images, and content with your account means you’ll have technically bookmarked them. You could then go back through your...
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